kiran bindu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In 1937, the focus is fixed in Philadelphia 2. It has been criticized in particular (and Maxime Rodinson) idealism, in that it would focus on ideas and beliefs at the expense of social situations and class relations 3. It is therefore the analysis (both local and global) sets of junctions "intrinsic" K size = 1 ?which will be the focus of the theory 4. It is well integrated with one focus of religious life time 5. More than other districts, they have budgets whose major focus can be directed towards investment

Given are the examples of hindi word kiran bindu usage in english sentences. The examples of kiran bindu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., focus.

It gives a common focus to group effort to ensure that performance is as it was planned and scheduled.

The major focus of this approach is on how an intelligent person acts.
Arousal forces you to focus your attention on reading, learning and revising the contents of the chapters.
Unlike the western views, which primarily focus on cognitive parameters, the following competencies are identified as facets of intelligence in the ndian tradition : Cognitive capacity (sensitivity to context, understanding, discrimination, problem solving, and effective communication).
n tests of intelligence, the person has to think of the right solution to the problem and the focus is on assessing abilities such as memory, logical reasoning, accuracy, perceptual ability, and clear thinking.
They become vital because we focus on a particular set of events as important.
If our focus of study changes, if we begin to look at new issues, a new set of dates will appear significant.
Can we not write about the history of this period in a different way? How do we focus on the activities of different groups and classes in Indian society within the format of this history of Governor-Generals? When we write history, or a story, we divide it into chapters.
In the process we focus only on those events that help us to give shape to the story we are telling.
Non-financial incentives mainly focus on these needs.
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